Ahmed Aldaalsa exhibition in Zwolle

(Nederlandse versie)

His work and that of other artist is on display by the name; Gaza ’24

A month and a half ago, I introduced Ahmed Aldaalsa, a young artist from Gaza to you. Meanwhile, I can (proudly) report that Ahmed has an exhibition at art space Het Langhuis in Zwolle.

GAZA'24 - exhibition Ahmed Aldaalsa- Kunstruimte Het Langhuis
GAZA’24 – exhibition Ahmed Aldaalsa- Kunstruimte Het Langhuis

I curated this exhibition together with Wim Marseille (Langhuis expo committee) and, with the help and commitment of artists, performers and now many others, we managed to turn it into something beautiful and (I think) meaningful.

Read more about the exhibition here: https://www.langhuis.nl/expected-gaza-24/

Next Saturday, 03-08-2024, this exhibition opens

The opening will be framed by a live performance by Fakkelteit in Beatbox; Rilyc, Stan & Felix Flakes. DJ ‘Jehudi spins record’ will provide tasty music, there will be snacks, drinks and good company.

Through Ahmed’s raw yet vulnerable images and retorts from Zwolle artists and others, we open a new debate; sensitive, engaged, compassionate and supportive.

Ahmed’s work is also for sale
Quality prints have been made of his drawings and photographs on A2 and A3 in small editions. These special prints are on sale at the Langhuis. The proceeds go directly to the artist still living in Gaza.

+ Participating artists besides Ahmed Aldaalsa are Olivier OttenIbrahim Kurt, and Basma Al Afifi (Gaza/Egypt) with, in addition, a contribution from Fakkelteit, Beatbox. (image and sound recording by Lesley Da Rosa)

Gaza- Zwolle Mix
Gaza- Zwolle Mix